Saturday, December 1, 2012

Home for 6 Months

All is going quite well. The biggest news since the last post is that the last 2+ weeks have been blissful for me in terms of sleep. Nary a peep from down the hall, and at most, just covering Harper up with her blanket puts her back into dreamland. I am cautiously optimistic it can stay like this... Time will tell as they say. And Harper now likes to watch Dora the Explorer on TV, which has been great to use the 24 minutes to run up and down the stairs, do housework or bills, etc. without a 3 foot shadow.

We had a nice Thanksgiving here at home. The solo picture for this post is after my sister-in-law Anna gave Harper a whip cream shooter. We are looking forward to the holidays, our upcoming trip to Minnesota, and some time off of work and school. But you can be sure that there will be no picture of Harper with Santa - he strolled through the mall last weekend and Jaden was stoked; Harper was terrified. She might be mollified over time once she figures out the big red man brings presents.

A hit. (Thanks, Kim, for the picture.)

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