Monday, February 18, 2013

Harper's 3rd Birthday!

Miss Harper is officially a 3 year old, and once she gets the potty training completely accomplished, very much not a baby anymore! That's okay, although my baby time with her was unbelievably short and so much of the time before we met is lost. I hope it does not become an issue for her in how little I know of her life up until 2 years, 3 months. There are some bits and pieces, and I have started up my digital scrapping again to start making pages of her life now and then. Jaden has been nonplussed about missing details about her first year, but it could be an issue any time, like hormonal teenage years.

Harper had a birthday weekend, in part because I had to travel for business on the afternoon of her actual birthday (a Sunday). Bad mommy, but employed mommy so off I go! She did even better with the sitters, and she loves her Dora bed; slept good 2 out of the 3 nights. Improvement.

Some pics.

Feb 8. (One of my favorites to date.) She picked out her birthday outfit (Hello Kitty head to toe, except
the leggings). On this day (Friday) she had cupcakes with her friends at school.
Feb 10. Her actual birthday started out a little chilly. And she wanted to bring
her packed backpack along with us as we had "coffee with the girls" after the gym.
This is her typical "smile" right now.
Feb 10. She did enjoy opening the presents so very much! And each
one was opened and the contents stuffed into the backpack.

Friday, February 1, 2013

8 months & 8 years

Harper has been home 8 months. And today marks 8 years since "Gotcha Day" with Jaden. The sisters get along quite well 95% of the time. Just once in a while Harper wants to annoy Jaden, and she knows exactly what to take/touch/move of Jaden's to elicit the desired response. But less and less of that lately, or maybe I am not paying as close of attention! And to be fair, sometimes Jaden has zero patience and knows that saying "bad Harper" will bring her little sister to tears. Pushing each other's buttons is part of the sibling relationship, I guess.

The month of January went fast. It included my first business trip since getting Harper. My usual great sitters (D&W) had the girls for two nights (I was in San Francisco). Harper was happy and did great, but kept asking "where is my mommy?". And did not sleep well. For this month's business trip, I purchased an inflatable toddler bed that D&W can put next to their bed, with Dora sheets, which should be a big hit. Harper LOVES Dora and watches dvds of nothing else. Travel is part of my job and so fingers are crossed this does not become an issue for Harper; Jaden has always done great in part because D&W bend over backwards to make her time with them fun. I am incredibly fortunate to have them.

I can say with conviction that Harper is now a sleeper (except for the travel caveat noted above). Yep, put her in bed and as long as she is not sick (don't get me started...), once she is asleep she is out for the night or maybe a peep and covering her up does the trick. A wonderful thing. I still have to lie next to her when she falls asleep (and we are in Jaden's room, and Jaden nods off super quick), but maybe I will start to sit at the edge of the mattress (aka "mommy's bed"), then by the door, to out in the hall. The problem is the cats that like to sashay around and meow if the door to the girls' room is open. I will have to formulate a plan, but not just yet. I am okay with things just as they are for now.

Harper will turn 3 on February 10. She loves presents, so I predict she will have a great day. I will try to post mid-month with some birthday pictures.

Jan 4. Harper is in the Penguin class at daycare, so occasionally,
Pete the penguin goes home with one of the kids for the weekend.
This was our weekend and Pete fit right in.  Here, enjoying some ice cream.

Jan 5. Harper sharing her beloved noodles.
Jan 5. Musical trio.
Jan 6. Harper pitched a fit about something, came down the hall and laid
down behind me while I was on the computer. Fell fast asleep on Pete.
Jan 5. Jaden and Mickey. Not a great hair day (for Jaden, not Mickey!).
Feb 1. Tonight. Silly girl. Notice the pizza and the Barbie. Adjusted well?
I would say yes!
Feb 1. Eight years ago. Scrapbook page commemorating the big event.