Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

And the 7-month anniversary of Harper arriving home. I put all Christmas away today; Jaden was bemoaning the end of her favorite holiday and no more presents (her birthday is in December, too, so it is an explosion of gifts for her), but I am ready to move on. We did have a nice family Christmas on the 23rd, then a visit to Aunt Lisa and family from Dec. 25-29. Sorry, no pictures of our trip, and I am not sure of my excuse except we were always busy and I didn't really remember to take any. Harper had a doozy cold and most pictures would not have been pretty with that runny nose..... Jaden was healthy and loved the snow and the video/electronics household there.

Harper continues to talk, adding new words and phrases as she goes. Her "f" and "s" sounds are not there, but otherwise she is mostly understandable. She has had 8 or 9 colds since starting daycare (no kidding) and I hope this confers good immunity for her down the road. My fingers are crossed that her little classmates did not get new colds for Christmas as I would like a week or two reprieve! Yes, my sleep takes a hit, but luckily I seem to be immune to her colds and Jaden as well.

Wishing everyone a healthy and enjoyable 2013.

Dec 15. Jaden's 9th birthday party at Critter Camp.
Dec. 15. Cake. Yummy.
Dec. 23. Before family Christmas. She looks a tad bleary eyed -
no nap and her cold has kicked in.
Dec. 24. Preparing for arrival of Santa.
Dec. 24. "Harper, where are you?" Ha, butt naked downstairs playing with her
new Dora dollhouse.
Dec. 31. Jaden demonstrating scooter skills. (Jaden wrote in her Santa letter
to bring Harper a Dora bicycle, but I explained that this was typically for when
you are 4 years old, so Santa knew exactly what he was doing with the
scooter, which is intended for 3 [or almost] year olds!)
Dec. 31. A quick learner. She loved it!