Tuesday, November 20, 2012

6 months ago today...

Miss Harper walked into my life ... literally. She was led into the hotel by the SWI director and a woman who I later found out was the doctor for the SWI. Harper was carrying a red plastic bag of snacks - individually wrapped crackers, cookies, and mini-cakes. They told me she likes to eat. I knew then we would get along just fine... I actually don't think fondly of that day. It makes my stomach knot up all over again to think about those first few hours, those first few days. But I kept thinking, and had faith, that she would come to accept me and all the changes that would take place for her. Now 6 months later, I think she has adjusted remarkably well to her new life. She is happy, affectionate, verbal, and in the past few days has gone to singing her own little song as she goes about her business. As we near Thanksgiving, it is easy for me to be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

My first glimpse of Harper (aka Min Yan; "Yin Yin").
She stalled and needed some encouragement.
Here she comes...
The doctor is trying to keep her from crying after
telling her this was "mama". Notice she has a snack in hand!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Home for 5 Months

Yes, it is the 5-month anniversary of coming home from China with Harper. Seems both a long and a short time ago, depending on what memory crops up. We are humming along and my new normal of two kids, two cats, one house, and a job where I wear multiple hats is sinking in. It is not likely to get easier any time soon, but the holidays should afford a nice break, although the work momentum as a major project is being launched could cut into the much-awaited time off. Employment, however, is still a nice thing...

Ah yes, the sleep. Better? Not really. If Harper is sick, it is going to be a long night. If she is feeling good, then there is a possibility she sleeps through the night (rare) or wakes up only once (piece of cake). But there was a pattern for a few nights in a row of waking every 15-30 min between 10 pm and 1 am. Almost did me in. Walking zombie. Luckily, that has not repeated. But I think there are other times she wakes up and knows Jaden is there, and doesn't cry out. Fortunately Jaden is still good with sharing a room, so time will tell if sleep becomes a non-issue for us in the coming months.

Harper picks up words and phrases at a rapid pace. My favorite of last night while trick'or'treating was "no touch my candy mama" when I asked if she wanted help to carry her plastic pumpkin stuffed with treats (how did she know I might snag one?!?). She continues to enjoy daycare, and they take good care of her. She and Jaden mostly get along, but Harper likes to tease and often insists "no", which can send Jaden into a tizzy. I am hoping as Harper gets older and more verbal there are less "incidences".

Some pictures...

Oct 7. Trying on hats from Aunt Lisa in
preparation for winter holiday trip to Minnesota.
Oct 13. Jaden and Harper with umbrellas on a rainy Saturday.
Oct 27. The girls in costume going to friend Kim's party.
Oct 31. Jaden as Yoshi (from Mario Bros) and Harper as Cinderella
before heading out. Jaden not pleased for the picture delay.
Oct 31. Cinderella and her candy stash.